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Writer's pictureKayla Morse Higgs

Calculated Courage: The Leadership Risks That Unlock True Growth

As leaders, we are often faced with decisions that challenge us to step out of our comfort zones. It’s natural to want to play it safe, to carefully calculate the risks before acting. After all, the instinct to protect ourselves and our organizations from harm is deeply ingrained. But what if, in our pursuit of safety, we are actually holding ourselves back from the very breakthroughs that could drive real and meaningful change?

The Revelation: Some Risks Are Worth Taking

Recently, I had a revelation that struck me to my core: some risks are worth taking, not despite the potential dangers but because they are the keys to unlocking breakthrough and transformation. When we think about risk, we often associate it with danger, loss, or failure. But what if we reframed risk as a gateway to success? What if the very thing we’re avoiding—the thing that feels too risky—is the thing that could lead us to our greatest achievements?

In leadership, there’s a critical distinction to be made between risks that help and risks that harm. Understanding this difference is crucial. Not all risks are created equal, and not all risks are worth taking. The key lies in discerning which risks will propel growth and which may lead to unnecessary setbacks.

The Role of Discernment in Risk-Taking

Discernment is the process of wise decision-making, the ability to judge well. It’s about looking beyond the surface, understanding the broader implications of our choices, and considering not just the immediate consequences but the long-term impact of our actions. When it comes to risk-taking in leadership, discernment is your most valuable tool.

So, how do you discern the right risks to take? How do you know when to act and when to hold back? It begins with asking yourself the right questions—questions that can guide you in making decisions that align with your goals and values.

Reflective Questions for Discerning the Right Risks

To help you navigate the complexities of risk-taking, here are some reflective questions that can support your discernment process:

  1. What is the potential impact of this risk?

    • Consider both the positive and negative outcomes. Will taking this risk create new opportunities for growth, innovation, or progress? Or does it carry the potential for significant harm?

  2. Does this risk align with my core values and the mission of my organization?

    • Ensure that the risks you’re considering are in line with your principles and the overarching goals of your leadership. Risks taken in alignment with your values are more likely to lead to authentic success.

  3. What’s the worst-case scenario, and can I live with it?

    • Sometimes, the fear of risk comes from imagining the worst-case scenario. It’s important to face this head-on. If the worst were to happen, could you manage it? Would it still be worth the potential gain?

  4. What are the long-term implications of not taking this risk?

    • Consider the cost of inaction. Could avoiding this risk result in missed opportunities, stagnation, or a failure to innovate? Sometimes, the greater risk is in doing nothing at all.

  5. How does this risk fit into the broader strategy?

    • Think about the bigger picture. Is this risk part of a larger plan? How does it contribute to the overall vision and strategic goals of your leadership?

  6. Who will be impacted by this decision, and how can I mitigate any potential harm?

    • Leadership is about people. Consider who will be affected by your decision and think through ways to minimize negative impacts while maximizing the benefits.

Embrace the Risks that Safeguard Success

In leadership, not all risks are worth taking, but some are absolutely necessary. These are the risks that safeguard breakthrough, that push us beyond the status quo, and that bring about the growth and change we seek. The key is to approach risk with discernment—to weigh the potential benefits against the possible downsides and to make decisions that align with your values and strategic vision.

As you continue your leadership journey, I encourage you to embrace the risks that are worth taking. Use discernment to navigate the unknown, and trust that some risks are not just worth it—they are essential to your success.

I'd love to hear your thoughts—what risks have you taken in your leadership that led to significant growth or change? Share your experiences in the comments below or connect with me to discuss how we can navigate the complexities of risk-taking together.

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